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Mientras nosotros comemos gofio, Ghana.

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Mientras nosotros comemos gofio, Ghana. Empty Mientras nosotros comemos gofio, Ghana.

Mensaje por CalaveraDeFidel Mar Ago 23, 2011 5:18 pm

Tengo un amigo chino en esa situación de riesgo, porque la hermana de su novio platónico- ni un beso se han dado- le vio mensajes del móvil amenazádolo con denunciarlo.

A new mass-murder of gays in the making in Ghana, West Africa?

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Posted 06-Aug-2011 at 05:29 PM (17:29) by Gurdur

amnesty international
david tetteh assuming
human rights
paul evans aidoo
rudolf brazda
the gambia
west africa

Some Christian and
Muslim groups in west Ghana have united to try forcing the mass round-up
and arrest of gays. The suspicion is naturally that that would only be
quickly followed by mass-murder, and by state-condoned lynch-mobs. Ghana's minister for the Western Region, Paul Evans Aidoo MP, ordered mass-arrests of gays purely and simply only for being gay. Another member of the Ghanian parliament, David Tetteh Assuming, called for gays to leave Ghana before they were subjected to mob violence. His call was largely actually an incitement to mob violence.

Meanwhile, in a reminder of just what such actions can easily lead to, Rudolf Brazda died on August 03, aged 98.
Brazda was the last living survivor of gays imprisoned in German
concentration-camps (in his case, Buchenwald) in the 1933-1945 period
only for being gay.

Gays are a tiny minority, and legalizing gay marriage won't hurt the
rest of us; it will have a negligable effect on us as a whole, but it
will be finally recognizing them as equal humans. And it's up to the
rest of us non-gays to stop the mass-murder of gays, just as we should
stop the mass-murder of Jews, Gypsies etc., though we are neither Jewish
nor Gypsy ourselves.

The state-condoned and -sponsored persecution of gays in Ghana does not
occur in a vacuum; quite apart from various religious sect groups using
homophobia to flex their muscles, government figures use such
witch-hunts to increase their own personal power too — literal
witch-hunts. For example, in The Gambia, also in West Africa, hundreds of innocents have been attacked and poisoned by force in a dictatorial campaign created by government figures, aimed in part at silencing dissidents.

Again: it's up to us non-gays, non-Ghanians, non-Gambians, to help stop such persecution and murder.

How you can help:

write to the below, and let them know the world is watching them:

Ministry of Information
P.O. Box M41
Accra, Ghana

Information Services Department
P.O. Box 745
Accra, Ghana
Tel - (+233-302) 228054
Tel - (+233-302) 228011

For ongoing information:

Amnesty International in Ghana
Amnesty International Ghana website

Phone: + 233 (0) 30 2 220 814
Fax: +233 (0) 30 2 220 805
H/No. 347/7, Rolyat Castle Road Opposite Havard College Kokomlemle
Accra, Ghana



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